Our 2nd in a Series of Profiles of B-009 Team 2024 Field Researchers:
2024 Field Team member Allie Chipman is interviewed by Field Team colleague Elisabeth Krieger in this new project video produced on location in the Weddell Seal Population Study Area of Erebus Bay, Antarctica!
Allie discusses her biggest surprises about working in Antarctica with the seals, and her desire to continue her wildlife research work and education. She noted in a previous field blog post:
Howdy! I’m Allie (she/her) from Highlands Ranch, CO. After going to school in Utah, I have spent my career studying alpine wildlife across the mountain west. I’ve worked on everything from bighorn sheep to sierra yellow-legged frogs. While I love working above 12,000 ft, I decided to switch things up this year and go down to sea level! I’m very excited to learn more about marine ecology. My guess is that we will tag 513 seal pups. If I could possess any wildlife adaptation, I would love to climb mountains like a mountain goat.